Monday, February 28, 2005

I passed... far. I got my unofficial scores online for the CBEST today and I passed both the reading and the math part but it didn't have the writing score up yet. It says that you need a total score of 123 to pass the whole test and my combined score for math and reading was 97. So I don't know when they are mailing the official score that says my writing score on it too, but I will put up an update when it comes. I'm just glad that I passed those parts.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

I'm addicted

I am addicted to ebay. I had heard about people getting addicted to buying on ebay, but I didn't know that you could get addicted to selling. Right now I have 10 things up for sale and I am going to add more tomorrow. When I go into stores I am now thinking, I wonder if they have anything that I could sell. I went to the Bargain Barn in Santa Cruz with the sole purpose of finding things to sell...and I did. Today we went to the mall, I bought more stuff to sell.

If you guys have anything you want me to sell for you...just let me know.

To see what I am selling Click Here

Friday, February 25, 2005

I am going to be an RA!

Yippee! I just found out that I am going to be an RA next year. I think I am the very first person on campus to know if they got the position or not. I heard them putting the letter in my box! I didn't go to chapel today and decided to check to see if it was already in there. I am really excited. I am going to be an RA in Emerson, so I will live in this dorm for the whole time that I am at Westmont which is kinda funny. Well, I have to go study for a test I have at 12:45, but at least I won't worry anymore!

Monday, February 21, 2005


After a pretty mild-ish january and february (by our standards), the cold weather arrived properly today.
Unfortunately, all the snow is disappearing already, so we can't go sledding or have a snowball fight or any of that fun stuff. Which is probably okay, since both of us have colds at the moment... Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Boys are sick

So Caleb is doing really good. He is eating and drinking normally again. But Tim is now in bed with a 100.9 fever, plus the other symptoms that Caleb had. So we are back to the beginning again over here. Hopefully we won't end up in the hospital again. So keep those prayers coming just where you were saying "Caleb" now insert "Tim."

Famous Andrew

So heres the story. Ever since we came in August, Andrew's bosses continually ask him what it would take to keep him in Northern Ireland because they like him so much. He was due a raise in November but because of a big project they've been working on it has thus far been put off. Good news is, whenever his raise does get instated, he'll get backpay from November. They finally set the date to meet with him and discuss the raise for tomorrow, 18 Feb.

Then, out of the blue today, Andrew’s former boss, Gerry; calls up. Basically, Gerry wants Andrew to come back and work for him so much that instead of telling Andrew what his salary would be, he asked Andrew to tell him the amount that it would take for Andrew to go back there.

Crazy or what? I think Andrew’s probably the most popular Architect Technician in Northern Ireland. I’m thinking we should just have Gerry talk to Andrew’s bosses and whoever comes up with the best salary wins!

UPDATE: 18 February 2005
Strange turn of events!

Andrew had his meeting today. His bosses starting off telling how great of a job he was doing and they really appreciated all his hard work, etc. Then they gave him his raise, which was about what we thought it would be, no huge raise, but fair. Then they went on to say that Harry, one of the parnters was looking to retire within the next 5 years. And Graham, the other partner, wants to put more into a global ministry he's involved with and therefore less with the company, again, within the next 5 years. Then they basically said that they saw the type of qualities in Andrew that they would want in the person who took over the company for them. And Andrew would be the ideal person to take it over. Andrew told them he would have to talk it over with me and not to expect a reply for quite a while as there is a lot for us to think about. We certainly didn't see that coming!!! Feel free to pray for us as often as you have time in making this decision.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Poor kid.

Just a FYI and a request for some prayer. Caleb is now at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz. Chesney's staying with him tonight while I sit here at home for the night and worry. Apparently, while I was at work today, Caleb got worse and stopped eating and drinking anything altogether.

Chesney took him to the ER where I met them earlier this afternoon. His doctor advised that he should stay overnight and get some fluids in him.

He seemed to be sleeping peacefully when I left. If you have a minute, please pray for him and the next couple days.

I wrote a little about our weekend of taking care of Caleb on the other blog.

UPDATE: 15 Feb 2005 12:15 pm
Caleb's improved a lot this morning. He was active, playing, and most importantly, eating and drinking. This is much better than yesterday. Hopefully he's doing well enough that we'll be able to get him home sometime today. Oh, and pray for Chesney too--she didn't get much sleep last night.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

New Car!!

We traded in the Honda and now we have a Toyota 4Runner.

Caleb thinks that he is the driver.

See for more pictures

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Intramural Volleyball

I started an intramural volleyball team this week and our team had our first game tonight. It was awesome! I thought I was signing up to play intramural volleyball, but apparently I was signing up to be a team captain. I was about to tell them that I couldn't do it and didn't have a team, but then some of my friends decided that it would be fun. So, I found some people in my dorm to play. Not too many of us have played before, so we aren't the best, but we did so well today and we definitely had more fun than the other team. We even have a team mom! She brought us capri-suns and kudos for an aftergame snack! Everyone was having so much fun, it was great. Well, I was just really excited that we are actually playing and how well we did. I can't wait until next week!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

a cat on my lap

I am sitting here on the computer at school and I have a cat on my lap. One of the teachers in the room that I use brought her cat to school today and I think that this cat likes me. He has been on my lap the whole time I have been in here. But I still want a dog and not a cat. Hopefully this cat can't read.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Yay, found out where to post a new message! Yay me! Andrew and I finally have our computer up and running so now when I have a minute or two when I'm not working then I can use the internet and keep everyone posted. Woohoo! Maybe I should just quit my job and then I could be on here all the time! YEAH!!! Alls well. Birthday celebrations tonight, bringing in some Chinese and Indian food and playing good ol' games like Cranium, Apples to Apples, and Quiddler. Its about time I got these Fullertons into the Miller game playing habits!