Friday, September 30, 2005


I finally got my hair cut. Here are before and after pictures. I think its pretty obvious which is which. He took about 4-5 inches off the bottom and then put in layers, which are hard to see but you can tell that my hair is way thinned out by the amount of hair left in the longer layers. He basically cut about half off the hair I had off. The pile of hair was HUGE. I think I like it but its still up for debate. I used to have a lot of hair. I feel kinda bald now, but it takes about half the time to dry it or straighten it now, which is nice.

Friday, September 23, 2005

My new girlfriend!

Well, it has happened. I officially have a girlfriend. It has only been a week, but a lot has happened. I feel like everything has happened at once. I have already met her dad, been her boyfriend for her birthday, and bought a plane ticket to go to Dallas (where she is from) to meet her family and see where she grew up. We are going over "four day" and we are actually going to see Wicked while we are there. I am so excited! I love that musical. She is planning on going to Brookdale for Thanksgiving and the beginning of Christmas break, so she should be able to meet all of you. Chesney, Tim, and Caleb actually already met her, but she wasn't my girlfriend at the time. Well, I just thought I should tell you since everyone else is finding out. I also put a picture up because I figured you would all ask me what she looks like and this is just easier. :) (And yes one of the buttons on my shirt is not buttoned.) I am excited for you all to meet her. She's great, I am sure you will all like her.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


We saw Rachelle and Steve today and I just thought that I would let you all know that Crystal had her baby a week ago Wednesday. After 3 ultrasounds where each of the doctors told her that she was having a girl they were a little surprised when out came a little boy. He was 8lbs 11oz. His name is Josiah Day (I am not sure on the spelling). After 14 hours of labor they finally decided to do a c-section. He stayed in the hospital for a week and a half because they didn't think he was getting enough oxygen so they put him in one of those oxygen tents and then he got pnemonia (I think) but he got to go home the day before yesterday and is doing good.

So Crystal and Adam will have some returning to do because Josiah has a lot of girly clothes. But Rachelle and Steve went out and bought some "manly" outfits for him while they were visiting them in Iowa.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Miller, Good Call. Posted by Picasa