
I finally got my hair cut. Here are before and after pictures. I think its pretty obvious which is which. He took about 4-5 inches off the bottom and then put in layers, which are hard to see but you can tell that my hair is way thinned out by the amount of hair left in the longer layers. He basically cut about half off the hair I had off. The pile of hair was HUGE. I think I like it but its still up for debate. I used to have a lot of hair. I feel kinda bald now, but it takes about half the time to dry it or straighten it now, which is nice.
Wow, your hair was really long. I think that it looks better now. The last couple of times that I got my hair cut I thought that they must've cut most of it off, but then I get home and wish they cut it shorter. It is nice when it doesn't take as long to do stuff to your hair. Do you usually wear it down or up?
I usually wash it at night so its curly in the morning and then put it half up for work. Sometimes, like maybe once or twice a week when i have time, I straighten it and wear it down. If it curls weird or I run out of time then I wear it up. I can't really wear it down when its curly because most of the layers are one length, like ear length so when its really curly there are loads of curls to my ears, and then less below that so I look like a mushroom head.
I like your hair. It looks really cute! (although you know I've always loved your "model hair" curls!)
I'd love to see a picture of the mushroom look!
YOu do look tired in the pictures. Are you sleeping okay?
I love you,
I really like it now too. It was long! I am excited to see it in person in a couple months! I am way excited for Christmas break! It has been way too long!
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