Saturday, August 27, 2005

The 49er's won

...and we were there to see it. Tim got 6 free tickets to the 49er's game tonight and so 3 of Tim's cousins, mom, Tim and I all went to the game. It was the first football game that I have ever been to and it was fun. It was also really cold since it was in SF. Our seats were at the top of the upper reserved seating and it was super windy and cold since the game started at 7pm. Then mom and I were watching and we found some other seats that were down closer to the field that were open. Since it was a pre-season game there was a lot of open seats. So mom went down to check out the seats and make sure they weren't checking tickets. Then I went down and called the boys and the 4 of them came down. We were on like the 30 yard line and had really good seats. The game ened in a tie 13-13 so it went into overtime. With only 3 or so minutes left in overtime the 9er's scored a field goal and won. It is always more fun to go to a game when the people you want to win actually do win.

UPDATE: Pictures are now up on timches


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