Monday, January 31, 2005


I am now an ebay seller. I listed 3 items last night and 3 people have already added my stuff to their watch lists. So that seems pretty good. I don't have any bids yet but at least I know that people are interested. I have other stuff that I am planning on putting up but I am letting these 3 be my trial run to see how it goes. Hopefully I will make millions and then I can quit my job.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Santa Maria

So Tim wanted to meet up with Daniel. We were talking Saturday morning about how they would each drive halfway and meet somewhere in the middle and just meet up for a day. Then I decided that I wanted to go too, so we decided that we would just get a hotel that night in Santa Maria. I got on the internet and booked a hotel room at a Holiday Inn. We left a few hours later. When we got to the hotel, Tim went in to check in and I stayed in the car. He came back out and told me that they wanted to take my picture. I didn't believe him, then he handed me an envelope that said that I was the "Guest of the Day." So I went in, saw my name on the guest of the day plaque and they took a picture of me and put it up.

Since we were in the area we decided to call Shawn and Lem and then we all went out to dinner and then hung out in the hotel. The next day we tried to go to a couple of beaches but they were either full or had been closed for the last 20 years or they wanted us to pay to park. We ended up at Pismo beach and there was about a million pictures taken between Tim and Daniel. They will be up on after we sort through them and pick out the good ones.

Overall it was a fun, spontaneous weekend.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Back to work

I am back at work now and am still dealing with the same stuff as before. I am going to take the CBEST next month so maybe I will quit this and start subbing. There was supposed to be a first grader that was going to start this month, but someone did something wrong somewhere along the line so they have to start over with assessing her and all that and who knows how long that will take and I don't know if I want to just wait around for some kid to show up. My schedule is changing again and now I might be teaching a group of 4th graders social studies for like 40 min a day. They are meeting about that today to see if that will happen or not. So I don't know exactly what I am going to do as of right now, hopefully a deaf kid will move to the district tomorrow.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


What do you think of my haircut?
Caleb wasn't so sure about it at first

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Back in Santa Barbara

Hey Everyone!
I am back in school. It has been kinda crazy so far. It has been raining a lot, but today it was beautiful and sunny. For a while, 101 was closed north and south of Santa Barbara, so we were like on our own little island. I think it is open to the north now, but it is still closed to the south because of the massive mud slide. My Abnormal Psychology class hasn't even met yet because the professor can't get to school. It stinks because I am looking forward to that class and it is at 8 AM so I wake up and get all ready just to go and read a note that says the professor isn't there. Why couldn't Experimental Psych be cancelled? That one is my last class of the day and the professor has no communication skills. He didn't even start talking today until 35 minutes into the hour long class and then when he did talk he didn't make very much sense and what I did get out of it was stuff I learned in high school. I could go on...but I won't. My other classes seem really good. I am really excited about my New Religious Movements class. The professor seems really good and very well educated on the subject. It's cool because this is the first time I will have the same teacher as mom had. :) Kinda wierd. I'm not sure how I like my schedule yet. I have four classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while on Tuesday I only have Beach volleyball and on Thursday I only have Psych lab. We will see how it goes. Wow, this is a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. Hope everything is going well at home.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Which ride are you?

Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin: a wild ride through
the back alleys of toontown! The only ride
with a PG sense of humour in the G rated world
of Disneyland, you are zany, wild, and a little
bit of a loose screw. Energetic and colorful,
you go at full speed, even though your taxi-car
vehicles actually have four flat tires!
Despite your older humor, you are a kid at
heart and kids most relate to your cartoony
world and like you the best. You've been know
to make the adults a little queasy and a litte
bit dizzy. You leave your visitors dazed, a
little confused, but more often, extremely
amused. You take us to the places we'd never
see in a ride featuring the straight-laced
Mickey, but somehow you're still all Disney.

What Disneyland attraction are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, January 07, 2005

What to do

Caleb has started pulling hair and biting. So I think that I am going to get my hair cut to help my hurting head, but I'm not sure what to do about the biting. Now that he has 5 teeth (2 on the top and 3 on the bottom) it really hurts if he bites. He mostly does shoulder biting but he will get you other places too if you give him the chance. I also don't know how much he understands the concepts of "no" and "don't do that" since he usually just smiles or laughs when I tell him to stop. Maybe I don't have a mean enough look on my face when I say it. So all of you psychology people, at what age do babies understand the concept of "no" and how do you get them to stop. And I have pulled what little hair I could and bit him, not hard but so he could feel it, but he is still doing it so I need another idea.

Caleb is using his walking toy more these days and so he might be walking soon. I don't think he will be near Eli's level real soon but I guess we will have to wait and see. It was weird to see Eli walking so well when we saw them. I heard that he was walking but wow that was impressive.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Blogs Away!

Wow, everyone has a blog now! Just in case anyone wants to know, here are other blogs that I know of...

Blogs are fun, so post on this one whenever you have anything at all you want to write about. You'd be surprised at some comments you get.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

The First Post

Hi, I thought that I would start a Blog so that we could all have a place to talk since we are all over the planet these days. As of right now I am the only one that can start a new topic or whatever these are called, but if you want to be able to post things other then comments too then let me know and I will add you to this blog. I just thought that this would be a good way for all of us to just keep up with whatever is going on instead of through email or calling or hearing about stuff from other people. So let me know what you think of this idea.