Which ride are you?

Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin: a wild ride through
the back alleys of toontown! The only ride
with a PG sense of humour in the G rated world
of Disneyland, you are zany, wild, and a little
bit of a loose screw. Energetic and colorful,
you go at full speed, even though your taxi-car
vehicles actually have four flat tires!
Despite your older humor, you are a kid at
heart and kids most relate to your cartoony
world and like you the best. You've been know
to make the adults a little queasy and a litte
bit dizzy. You leave your visitors dazed, a
little confused, but more often, extremely
amused. You take us to the places we'd never
see in a ride featuring the straight-laced
Mickey, but somehow you're still all Disney.
What Disneyland attraction are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm...I got the same.
I got the same too....I think there is a conspiracy....
I got "It's a Small World", so it's not a conspiracy, or I am just weird.
I am The Pirates of the Caribbean: A swashbuckling adventure! Yo ho, a pirates life is indeed for you, seeing as you are the classic Disney dark ride that presents a time when New Orleans was under attack from a band of treasure loving bandits. You have a bit of an edge, and an element of danger, and you can scare the youngins, but for the most part you mean no serious harm. You are youthful at heart, strong and energetic, with a taste for the good life, if not hard work. You have romantic notions about the adventurous life on the sea with no rules and no responsibilities except to your ship, but you also weary and worrisome of the fate that eventually gets all those who those who live life on the lamb, stealing gold for greed and burning down cities for your own delight. You are what you are, and you're out to enjoy the glamour of your wild days while they last! Despite your rough surface, the people know you have heart and they will always come back.
Whoops...I guess it would be a good idea to put what mine said about me. Well, here it is: "it's a small world": The happiest cruise that ever sailed! Surreal and silly, or sweat and touching, you are a well intentioned 1960s homage to the world's diversity that unfortunatly inspires feelings of sheer terror in those who can't help but feel something more sinister lays beneath your shiney surface. But most cannot deny your charm, even if they cannot explain it, and leave feeling better than when they entered. Most overlook the fact that because of your unique style and design, courtesy of Disney Legend Mary Blair, you are a true work of art and you deserve to be appreciated. You are both worldy and simplistic, both cosmopolitan and decidedly middle American. You are a splendid candy-coated contradiction with a sugary, sunny song that one never forgets. If the world truely listened to your never-ending optimism, it could be a small world after all.
I'm Pirates of the Caribbean! (See Mac's for description)
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