Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ab Workout

So....I'm sure you guys have probably heard by now..but I broke my ankle. I didn't break it any cool way, so I'm sorry about that. I was walking back to Ashton from Emerson and I decided to walk down a grassy hill because a girl was sitting on the steps, and I simply fell and slipped and heard a nice "crack" sound. I honestly thought I had just twisted it because it was not in much pain, but then I saw that it had swollen up past the size of a golf ball within seconds so we called safety and security and my friend Brooke came down to my rescue. So, safety and security, the RLC from Emerson, Brooke, the girl on the stairs, and a few others crowded around. The saftey and security guy told me that even though I was not in much pain we should get it checked out so...I had Gretchen, my roomate, (who didn't believe me so I made the safety and security guy talk to her) as well as my other friend Audrey take me to the Hospital Emergency Room. (Both Gretchen and Audrey are nursing students so they were REALLY excited about getting to be in a hospital. Anyways, I got my ankle x-rayed and they could only find one break, but the sweeling was not near the break so they thought I should wait and go to the orthopedic surgeon the following day since my ankle was huge. So I went to the ortho-doctor and they couldn't explain it so I have a temporary cast until next week when I go back again to see if I need surgery.

In the meantime, I already have rashes and bruises from the crutches but on the upside I am going to have really strong arms and abs. Also, I will get 2 credits for doing absolutely nothing in my Production Practicum class so...yay!

I will put up pictures later.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I need an idea

Tim and I have been invited to halloween party and the theme is famous historical people. I have thought of 3 people that I can be so far. Basically I want a famous woman who didn't wear a dress and is pretty recognizable. That is pretty hard to do. Anyway the 3 people I have thought of so far are...

Ameila Earhart
Rosie the Riveter
Sally Ride

an old flight suit is hard to find, rosie would be an easy costume, but Tim doesn't think she would be that recognizable and I dont' think I can find an astronaut costume I can afford.

So if you have any ideas for me I would really appreciate it.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New Car

As promised, here are the worlds' first pictures of our new car.