Friday, April 28, 2006

Caleb's First Real Haircut

Caleb has had his hair cut a few times by me and once with a team effort of Me and Nana and Papa. It usually take a team effort because one person cuts the hair while the other people hold down his hands or keep his head still or try to distract him any way that they can. So I started asking around to see what other people did and decided to take him to Supercuts. We went in the morning and no one else was there so that was nice. We tried to sit him on a booster chair but it was pretty obvious that wasn't going to work. So I sat down with him and we each got our own cool cape to wear. Caleb did pretty good for his first time. He put his hand up a few times but the lady that cut his hair was really good too, she let him see and feel the clippers, buzzer, water, blowdryer and that really seemed to help. On the way home Caleb kept saying "Hair cut again." So I guess he actually liked it this time. But who wouldn't when you get a free balloon.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Tim just put up some more movies on TimChes so go watch them.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter Eve

There is probably another word instead of Easter Eve since there is Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, ---?--- Saturday, then Easter Sunday.

I was just thinking that there hasn't been a post for a while so I would give you guys a quick update on what we have been up to around here.

I have been keeping busy with my ebay stuff. My store is actually doing better then I thought it would. I had 4 store sales yesterday which is a record for me. I still have auction stuff up as well. And when I am not doing ebay I am driving Caleb around to the different things that I have found for him to do. I just heard about a MOPS group in Scotts Valley, so we might try that, although it is during our normal library time.

Tim is still working at McAfee and has a great time with his co-workers going out to eat trying out all types of different restraunts. When Tim is home he is usually either working on the redesign of TimChes or playing World Of Warcraft with his brothers and cousins online. Tim and Mac's hockey team also took 3rd place last season and he can't wait till Andrew comes back to be on his team next season.

Caleb has a lot of things going on with him right now too. He has playgroup on Wednesdays, Toddler Library time on Thursdays, Kids Club at the Mall once a month, play date with Eli every other month (or so), and then whenever I hear about anything else that seems like it would intrest him we try to go to that too. Like the easter egg hunt this morning (there will be pictures up on TimChes soon). Then there are also the trips to the park or the beach where Caleb can run around as much as he wants.

We are also in the process of building a fence in our backyard so that Caleb has more room to play. We just need to put up the gates and it will be done. We also bought an awning that has been sitting in our carport for about a week, but since there has been so much rain lately we haven't been able to put it up.