This is my attempt at writing something on our Blog. It will be titled "Katelyn's Life -Winter Quarter."
To start off-Twelfth Night- As you all know, I am cast as Feste, the clown, fool, ass, sot, whatever you what to call me. The play is going well. We have been rehearsing since the first week of February. I have rehearsal Mon-thurs from 7-10pm, and then on saturdays from 9am to 4pm, so i have been rehearsing a lot. Not all the characters have to be there everynight but the way that they split upthe scenes to work on them, I have to be there every night which takes up a lot of time. I get to sing 7 songs altogether, 5 of which I sing by myself, a few acapella, which is interesting but I will have a pitch pipe. The play is set in the modern day on the San Juan Islands, next to Seattle, so we are using songs that are specific to this area. We are also going to use the same "Come Away Death" song that I used in my show, so that's pretty cool. Um... besides that I really really like being in a play again, altthough I must admit that I would rather direct than act, but acting is fun. Oh, yeah, the set is going to be great! It looks really cool and can't wait for you guys, those of you can come, to see it!
Next-I think you all know but if you don't, I have a job at the Boys and Girls Club of Wallingford, at Sacajaewa elementary school. I work Monday thru Friday, from 2:45 to 6:00pm, but it takes about an hour on the bus to get there since I have to change buses so really it takes from about 1:30-7:00 but it's worth it because I work with great people. Pretty much at work I just play with kids all day and get paid for it, so that's pretty awesome. I have increased my 4-square ability by quite alot and am pretty sure I can take any of you down, anytime. (Did you guys know how many rules there are for 4-square now?! It's crazy!) My job makes me feel really old somtimes but it also raises my self esteem since all the kids think that I am the fastest, strongest, best football, basketball, soccer, kickball player EVER, which is pretty cool. My boss really really wants me there fore summer and says that she would let me work whatever hours I would want, and I told her that she gives me a raise I would think of it more, and she said that she would "see what she could do." BUT they got a sub for me over my breaks and the summer so I really don't plan on being in Seattle for the summer unless she offers me a LOT more.
My classes- I have 17 credits, I am taking General Psych, so I can pretend like I know what you Psych majors are talking about, Theatre and Drama: Comedy-which is quite boring but it is with my theatre Boys-Josh and Ben and my good friend Sara (Who is actually in all my classes) and is with my favorite Professor, Dr. Rev. Georgie (who I had Thanksgiving with), so the class is actually fun sometimes thanks to the amount of random comments I make throughout the class, and lastly, I have my UCOR class whihc it seems like all we do is listen to and write about music. It is an incredibly easy class, as I have gotten nothing less than a 99% on any assignment so, I think I may get an A.
So, my schedule is like this:
Monday -Class from 8-12:20, LUNCH, leave for work 1:30ish, WORK 2:45-6:00ish, Rehearsal 7:00-10:00pm, DINNER
Wednesday-same as monday
Thursday -Same as Tues
Friday- same as Mon but no rehearsal
Saturday-Rehearsal-9am-4pm (next saturday I'm working 5-11 pm but I don't usually work)
Sunday- Church-11:00
So...I've been kinda busy
Oh yeah, I also did this thing called "Torture Awareness Week" for the International Justice Mission on school. I was living a sculpture, which means that I stood still for an hour outside while I was bound by ropes. (I'll include some pics). I did two times during the week. Let me just explain that trying to stand still for an hour, is hard but standing outside in freezing weather, as it was at the end of January, was very hard. Although, it was really good experience. Just to explain it a little further, the human sculptures were bound and had there face covered to show the facelessness of torture that is still going on around the world, and it was meant tot get people to start thinking about what is happening in the world outside of our bubble. It turned out to be really good and started a lot of discussion and we got a lot of contributions and the whole week accompished what they were trying to accomplish. It was really affective and neat.
More recently, I am applying to be an SMC, a Student Minstry Coordinator for next year, and am going to visit my "friend Bethany" in "Iceland" over spring break (wink, wink), but if I happen to run into Brittany and Andrew do any of you want me to bring back anything? I will be back in Santa Cruz for a few days before I go back up to Seattle.
Ok, so I think that sums it....sorry it was long

PS we did "Sister Act" for Ashton Cup