Millers etc....
Where we can find out what is going on in all of our lives
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
AB update
Still no news about the visa petition. But somebody who put theirs in at the beginning of May just got approved Friday, and ours was in the middle of May. So they're getting closer.
Jim (my--brittany-- boss) told me the other day that he would keep me on to the end of January. Which is very good news since I was only hired as summer help. In January they're going to be hiring a guy to take Jim's place when Jim retires in August. But they want a good 6 months to train him and they can't afford to pay both of us which is why I'll have to get a new job once they hire the new guy. And the reason they need can't just keep me on is because they really need another man in the shop to do trouser measurements and things like that (which I'm not allowed to do). But at least that gives me awhile before I have to look for another job, and he's still giving me the 3 weeks off for Christmas.
Andrew is still working at the same place and still loves it. Hockey season has begun and they started the Northern Ireland league, so most of the games will be here in Bangor, which is good. And we're both working at the Elim youth club. I do crafts and Andrew plays football (soccer).
Twix has learned the sounds of different doors in the house, so as soon as he hears the office door or front room door, he's straight in before you even have it all the way opened. Yesterday morning I went into the front room just to put something away and then came straight back out. And as I closed the door and walked out, Twix came zooming out of his room straight for the front room and ran full on into my leg. Neither of us were hurt apart from the stitch in my side from laughing so hard. He's still very fun. And LOVES to be pet on his nose and cheeks.
Oh, I got my first flu jab. They only give them to people over 65 and people who have serious medical conditions (since they government pays for it) but I talked them into it. It hurt though, and it made a big ugly red mark on my arm, which is just starting to look better. But at least I won't get the flu.
Andrew left me for the weekend. He went down to Kilkenny to play in a hockey tournament.
So I had a house party.
Kinda. :) Suzanne, a girl from our poker night, invited me to her 21st birthday party so I said she could have everyone over here first before we all went out since I'm the only one of her friends with their own house. And I thought it would be good to meet everyone before we went, since I only know Jonny (he came to our wedding and he's Suzanne's boyfriend) and Homer and Darran (both of whom you met at the reception here). Then we all went to a club in Belfast. Which was an experience. I wasn't too sure about it until half way through the night we found the rap room with big cool leather couches. I had fun anyway. I didn't get home until 3, but then I still couldn't sleep because Andrew wasn't there. I'm already too used to having him around all the time I guess.
And Andrew's team won the tournament and he scored 4 goals and made 7 assists.
Thats all for now.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
New Videos
There are 3 new videos of Caleb up on our site. One is of Caleb in an outfit that he picked out himself, one is of Caleb playing ring-around-the-rosie, and the last one is of Caleb showing off his new talent of jumping and a few other skills.
They are fun to watch over and over again.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
A baby!
I heard some fun news when I was in Paradise this weekend! Rachelle is pregnant. Rachelle and Steve's baby is due in April (might be born on her and Auntie Jo's birthday on the 19th!)
Also Nathan is engaged!
Grammy & Gpa Dick say Hi to everyone too.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
It's Gone
Tim figured out how to get rid of the blogger bar that is on the top of all of blogspots blogs. So now ours is gone. I think it looks better without it.