Sunday, October 09, 2005

A baby!

I heard some fun news when I was in Paradise this weekend! Rachelle is pregnant. Rachelle and Steve's baby is due in April (might be born on her and Auntie Jo's birthday on the 19th!)

Also Nathan is engaged!

Grammy & Gpa Dick say Hi to everyone too.


At 10/10/2005 11:28 AM, Blogger Tim said...

Chesney has been really happy because of the fact that she knew this before you did...

Steve and Rachelle came over a couple weeks ago and let us know--even sent us ultrasound pics a few days later. I guess we can post those now since the news is out--have you seen them? They just didn't want the news to get out back then.

At 10/10/2005 8:14 PM, Blogger Chesney said...

I thought that you would hear about that this weekend. While they were here they said the baby was due on April 12, but I guess you never know.

I have the ultrasound photos, if you want them let me know and I will email them to you. They saved it as a pdf so it would be easier to just send it then to put it up here.

I didn't know that Nathan was engaged though, that is exciting.

At 10/10/2005 11:00 PM, Blogger Donni said...

I wondered if they might've told you when they came to see you...but since you didn't announce it I thought I would. Yes, I would love you to email me the ultrasound pics. I bet they were really excited!

At 10/12/2005 5:33 AM, Blogger Brittany said...

Fun! If anyone sees Rachelle or Steve, you can tell them that Andrew and I and Sharon and Colin, and Gill and Steve and Jenny all say Congratulations! I hope we're back not too long after that so we can see the baby. Or even if we're back before that would be great too! When is Nathan getting married? Have they picked a date?

At 10/13/2005 8:33 PM, Blogger Chesney said...

I think they were like us...shocked and confused at first and then excited. I let Rachelle borrow some clothes when they were here because she didn't have any yet and was already not able to wear some of her normal clothes.

At 10/14/2005 1:22 AM, Blogger Donni said...

So this was a surprise?


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