Saturday, May 07, 2005


I had my research assitant interview Thursday. I was so prepared. I read the 80 page article and even had Andrew ask me questions from it to make sure i understood it and knew my stuff. I looked up loads of info on statistical analysis, on visual impairment (what the topic is), on organizations that deal with visual impairment, I got a new top and a new bag to make me look professional, I got up super early and even straightened my hair, I got to every bus and train at least 10 minutes early to make sure I wouldn't miss them, and I got to the interview place 30 minutes before my interview time. I didn't take any chances. Then I finally got called in to the interview. Four people were sitting there. One of them from HR, one from Guide Dogs for the Blind, who is funding the project, one from the research dept but not actually doing the research and the last was the person heading the research. Scary. And I was nervous as heck. Wanted the job too badly I think, made me too nervous. They each asked me loads of questions, which I answered to the best of my ability but it wasn't anything that I didn't already write in my application. I had loads of stuff I wanted to tell them and it just didn't come out. Then it got to the head of research persons question time. First thing she asks me: a stats question. Tell you what, thinking on your feet with four people staring at you is not an easy task. My brain wouldn't work at all. And I know this stuff! So i scrambled until she said I could keep thinking about it and if i thought of it later during the interview to let her know. I didn't think of it. Then more questions. Then it was over and I left. Without telling them all that great stuff about myself that I should have. Stink. I think it was possibly the worst interview I've ever done. They said I would find out Monday. So, if I do get this job, its definitely God's fault and not mine.


At 5/07/2005 8:24 AM, Blogger Chesney said...

so did you quit your other job yet or are you going to wait till monday to find out about this job first?

At 5/10/2005 10:09 AM, Blogger Donni said...

You would be great for this job - hopefully that came through even though you didn't get a chance to demonstate it.


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