Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Big Kid

Caleb is doing it all these days...walking, signing, swimming and talking. He is now almost a full time walker and is doing less and less crawling everyday. He knows the signs for "more", "milk" and "all done/finished/all gone" (those are all the same sign) and then he has made up a few of his own signs as well. Caleb and I are also in a parent & baby swim class 2 times a week. He is learning to float, splash and blow bubbles, which he did in the bath last night on his own. Now Caleb does a lot of talking, the main problem is that it isn't in English. It sounds like a mixture of Russian, Chinese, French and one of those African clicking languages that I don't know the name of. We don't know where he learned all those other languages, but he must be smart if he is already trying to master all of them =)

So I think that Caleb has moved on the the toddler stage of life and is out of the baby stage. We will be putting up a movie of him walking on the site soon but he seems to get jello legs everytime we get the camera out.


At 4/05/2005 5:20 PM, Blogger Tim said...

As Caleb would say...."BA-BEEEEESH!!"

At 4/10/2005 12:10 PM, Blogger Brittany said...

Wow, crazy! The video is really funny. And it kinda looks like he's nearly running. Probably will be running in a week or so no doubt.


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