free ice cream

Today only, because it is Yahoo!'s 10th birthday, they are giving away free 99 flavors ice cream vouchers. All you need to do is login, print off the voucher and go get your favourite flavor!
Click here!!
We can get it here, but i don't think there is a BR anywhere nearby :o(
Thanks! Katelyn, Curt & I all printed one out and are on our way to Baskin Robbins!
Some Cityteam'ers and I went after lunch, but I could go back and get one and save it for you Andrew. Just give me your username and password. And credit card number too.
Caleb and I stopped and got some on our way home. We shared Mint Chip, I got one of those little tester spoons for him and we sat outside on the bench and ate ice cream. I was actually surprised at how well he did dipping the spoon in himself and getting some. But then when it was all gone and I threw it away he cried for about 5 min. So I think he likes ice cream.
I was going to go tonight, so I called to see how late they were open, but they said they already gave out their 300 free ones, so we couldn't get them for free. :(
Well, just don't miss the Ben & Jerry's free ice cream day--that's better.
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