Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Research Assistant

I've applied to be a research assistant. Its researching mobility in children and what is available for children with limited mobility. Its only 21 hours a week, but the pay is considerably better than what I'm making now. So I'll get more money for less hours of work. Which means we would have plenty of money to save for our move back to CA, and we might even have some leftover to go traveling with. Plus, I wouldn't have to work evenings or weekends, which would be WONDERFUL! And I wouldn't be so stressed all the time and I'm sure I would like it more than my job at the moment. And it would be great experience. I've always wanted to do research, just to see what it was like and if I liked it. And I'm so tired of my job at the moment. I keep hoping it will get better but it just keeps getting worse. I really hope I get this job. I should know if I got an interview in a week or so.


At 4/19/2005 11:26 PM, Blogger Donni said...

I really hope you get this job too! Have they called you for an interview or anything yet?

At 4/20/2005 9:06 PM, Blogger Chesney said...

So this finding a new job thing is spreading around. Hopefully your interview will go like mine where they offer you the job at the end of the interview and you get to quit your job the very next work day. It is a good feeling to get out of a job you don't like. I only have 2 days left :).


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