Friday, March 14, 2008

Sooner than Later

Since I'm sure you all check our site more then this one you probably noticed already that the due date for the baby has changed.

Today at my appointment my Dr. looked at the notes from the last ultrasound and looked at other measurements and moved my due date up a week. So if you already made a prediction on the site you might want to make a new one based on this new info.

The new due date is the 19th, which makes sense if Mom's 1st kick theory is right since that was on the 18th. Which was weird that it was a whole week early since Caleb's was on the 21st and the due date was the 19th.

Other then that the baby is totally healthy and everything is good, this kid will just be here sooner then we expected.

Monday, March 10, 2008

He's gone

I picked up Caleb. I was driving up the hill. I was looking to see if anyone was coming, then I looked up in front of me and saw that he was gone. James Dean is gone. The wall is all brown now. It looks very weird.