Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm Done!!!!

I am now officially unemployed. My last day of work was a pretty good one anyway. We had a sign language assembly where high school ASL students came and signed Christmas songs. It was a good way to end my signing (not really) job. It is so so sooooo nice to be done. Now I will be able to hang out at the park or where ever I want. And I wont have to get gas 3 times a week and I will get to sleep in. I am really looking forward to this stay-at-home mom thing. I will still do my ebay stuff and I will probably do more of it because now I will have more time to go to the bargain barn and get more junk and I will have every nap time to list stuff. Good times ahead for me. :)


At 12/16/2005 7:20 AM, Blogger Tim said...

I only have 29 more years of work and then I'm done.

At 12/17/2005 12:41 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

I'm done too! I am so glad that finals are over and I only have to do that one more time! I was up until 6 AM studying for my last final today and it paid off. I got an A on the test, which I really needed. I am excited about going home tomorrow (or I guess today now!)


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