Saturday, June 11, 2005

He's OK

Caleb is OK now, he ate a lot of steak tonight so there is no need to worry. Guess that was just a short phase. We were starting to wonder if he really was our kid.

Oh and about my finger, I got it X-rayed and it isn't broken, I just damaged the tendon which could take up to 3 months to heal. So the moral of the story is to not drink so much milk so that when you slam your finger in the door you will break it so that the healing process is faster.

Another side note: I also went to a chiropractor who said that I have scoliosis and took X-rays so I am going to ask for them to compare them to Brittany's.


At 6/14/2005 5:44 AM, Blogger Brittany said...

Woohoo! I'm not the only one with a crooked back! And glad to hear that Caleb is eating meat now. Maybe he just went through one of those 3 day vegetarian deals like Katelyn did that one time. :)


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